Experience with Affymetrix 10K, resequencing and ABI-SnaPshot

Rob G.J.H. Janssen

University Maastricht, Population Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Genome Center Maastricht 

Rob G.J.H. Janssen
University Maastricht
Population Genetics
Genomics and Bioinformatics
Genome Center Maastricht 
Room 5.150 
Universiteitssingel 50, postvak 16 
6200 MD Maastricht 
The Netherlands 
    +31-(0)43-3881406 (office) 
    +31-(0)43-3882460 (lab) 
    +31-(0)43-3881995 (secretary) 
Fax: +31-(0)43-3884573 
E-mail: Rob.Janssen @ GEN.Unimaas.nl 
http:// www.gen.unimaas.nl/popgen