(last modified February, 2007)
With the growing amount of data that are displayed on the Leiden Muscular Dystrophy pages, updating this information becomes an increasingly difficult and time-consuming task. There are many possibilities for trainees (students, stagiaires) of different types of background (biomedical, medical, journalism, bioinformatics) to assist us in this task and thereby to complete a practical training. Below some possibilities.
Disease genes - the disease gene pages contain information including;
DNA: gene structure (exon & inron / size & location), gene region, chromosome, genome
RNA: transcript (size, differential splicing, promoter(s), polyA-addition site(s)), expression
protein: size, characteristics, domains, homologies, folding, potential processing and interaction sites, function
sequence conservation: DNA, RNA and protein (multiple sequence alignments)
diagnostics: possibilities for diagnosis (methods, primers, markers, etc.)
In many cases this information needs updating to include the
latest findings, insights and important links. In other cases this
information is still missing
totally (see LOVD databases hosted in Leiden). Updates need to be
retrieved from active searches, inlcuding database queries (e.g. using
Blast in dbEST for transcript information or all genomes for multiple
protein algnments). Similarly primer lists for diagnostics need to be
checked and possilbe SNPs have to be marked. Cross-species comparisons
need to be performed to determine where evolutionary conserved
sequences reside, directing and complementing regions to be screend in
To aid the conclusion "pathogenic or not"
when a new change is found we want to display important and helpful
information like multiple protein sequence alignments, splice site
strength, etc.
The Leiden Muscular Dystrophy pages actively
collaborate with
the ISNO Dutch Neuromuscular Research
Support Centre,
e.g. by contributing a range of disease gene summary pages (see e.g. DMD).
For most genes the content of these pages still needs to be completed.
addition we would like to offer Dutch translations of the information
DNA variation databases
The Leiden Muscular Dystrophy pages host many
gene-specifc DNA variation databases. These databases need continuous
attention to;
LOVD, an "LSDB-in-a-Box", is a software tool to maintain a fully web-based gene-specific sequence variation database. LOVD has been written using open source software and is freely available for everybody to use. Currently, LOVD provides basic functionality only and there is a whole list of options to add, especially regarding automated data entry checking and display of the data (e.g. location of mutations, type of mutations, protein domains, multiple sequence alignments, etc.).
Interested, please contact us;
Dr. Johan T. den Dunnen
Center for Human and Clinical Genetics
Leiden University Medical Center
Wassenaarseweg 72
Tel.: +31 - 71 - 527 6105 / 6293
Fax.: +31 - 71 - 527 6075
E-mail: ddunnen @ LUMC.nl
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