for publication recently (ask for details)
Sun Y, Almomani R, Aten E, Celli J, Jaap Van Der Heijden JWF, Venselaar H, Robertson SP, Baroncini A, Franco B, Basel-Vanagaite L, Horii E, Drut R, Ariyurek Y, Den Dunnen JT, Breuning MH (2010). Terminal Osseous Dysplasia is caused by a single recurrent mutation in the FLNA gene. Am.J.Hum.Genet., in press.
Hestand MS, Klingenhoff A , Scherf M, Ariyurek Y, Ramos Y, Van Workum W, Suzuki M, Werner T, Van Ommen GJB, Den Dunnen JT, Harbers M, 't Hoen PAC (2010).
Tissue Specic Transcript Annotation and Expression Proling with Complementary Next-generation Sequencing Technologies. Nucl. Acids Res.,
in press.
Betsalel OT, Rosenberg EH, Almeida LS, Kleefstra T, Schwartz CE, Valayannopoulos V, Abdul-Rahman O, Poplawski N, Vilarinho L, Wolf P, Den Dunnen JT, Jakobs C, Salomons GS (2010).
Characterization of novel SLC6A8 variants with the use of splice-site analysis tools
and implementation of a newly developed LOVD database. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.,
in press.
Spitali P, Heemskerk H, Vossen RH, Ferlini A, den Dunnen JT, 't Hoen PA, Aartsma-Rus A (2010).
Accurate quantification of dystrophin mRNA and exon skipping levels in Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy. Lab Invest,,
E-pub ahead.
literature by computer - predicting protein-protein interactions Van Haagen HHHBM, 't Hoen PAC, Botelho Bovo A, De Morree A, Van Mulligen EM, Chichester C, Kors JA, Den Dunnen JT, Van Ommen GJB, Van Der Maarel SM, Medina Kern V, Mons B, Schuemie MJ (2009).
Novel protein-protein interactions inferred from literature context. PLoS One
sensitive DNA markers Kersbergen P, van Duijn K, Kloosterman AD, Den Dunnen JT, Kayser M, de Knijff P (2009).
Developing a set of ancestry-sensitive DNA markers reflecting continental origins of humans. BMC Genetics
Gene variant databases
New reference sequence standard Dalgleish R, Flicek P, Cunningham F, Astashyn A, Tully RE, Proctor G, Chen Y, McLaren WM, Larsson P, Vaughan BW, Béroud C, Dobson G, Lehväslaiho H, Taschner PE, den Dunnen JT, Devereau A, Birney E, Brookes AJ, Maglott DR (2010).
Locus Reference Genomic sequences: an improved basis for describing human DNA
variants. Genome Med.
2: 24.1-27.7.
A database for L2HGDH
Steenweg ME, Jakobs C, Errami A, van Dooren SJ, Adeva Bartolomé MT, Aerssens P, Augoustides-Savvapoulou P, Baric I, Baumann M, Bonafé L, Chabrol B, Clarke JT, Clayton P, Coker M, Cooper S, Falik-Zaccai T, Gorman M, Hahn A, Hasanoglu A, King MD, de Klerk HB, Korman SH, Lee C, Meldgaard Lund A, Mejaski-Bosnjak V, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Raadhyaksha A, Rootwelt T, Roubertie A, Ruiz-Falco ML, Scalais E, Schimmel U, Seijo-Martinez M, Suri M, Sykut-Cegielska J, Trefz FK, Uziel G, Valayannopoulos V, Vianey-Saban C, Vlaho S, Vodopiutz J, Wajner M, Walter J, Walter-Derbort C, Yapici Z, Zafeiriou DI, Spreeuwenberg MD, Celli J, den Dunnen JT, van der Knaap MS, Salomons GS (2009).
An overview of L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase gene (L2HGDH) variants: a genotype-phenotype study. Hum.Mutat. 31:
Next-generation sequencing
- EP300 and CREBBP transcription regulation
Ramos YF, Hestand MS, Verlaan M, Krabbendam E, Ariyurek Y, van Galen M, van Dam H, van Ommen GJ, den Dunnen JT, Zantema A, 't Hoen
PAC (2010). Genome-wide assessment of differential roles for EP300
and CREBBP in transcription regulation.Nucl.Acids
Res, E-pub ahead.
Out AA, Van Minderhout IJHM, Ariyurek Y, Tops CM, van Galen M, Goeman JJ, Taschner PEM, Schneeberger K, Ossowski S, Breuning MH, Van Ommen GJB, Den Dunnen JT, Devilee P, Hes FJ (2009).
Deep-sequencing to reveal new variants in pooled DNA samples.Hum.Mutat
30: 1703-1712.
SNP discovery in turkey Kerstens HHD, Crooijmans RPMA, Veenendaal A, Dibbits BW, Chin-A-Woeng TFC, Den Dunnen JT, Groenen MAM (2009). Large scale single nucleotide polymorphism discovery in unsequenced genomes using second generation high throughput sequencing technology applied to
turkey. BMC Genomics
SNP discovery in pig Amaral AJ, Megens
HJ, Kerstens HHD, Heuven HCM, Dibbits B, Richard PMA, Crooijmans RPMA, den Dunnen JT,
Groenen MAM (2009). Application of massive parallel sequencing to whole genome SNP
discovery in the porcine genome.BMC Genomics, 10: 374.1-374.10.
Detection of sequence variants
High-resolution melting curve analysis (HRMA)
Vossen RHAM, Van Duijn M, Daha MR, Den Dunnen JT, Roos A (2010). High-throughput genotyping of mannose-binding lectin variants using high-resolution DNA-melting analysis.
31: E1286-E1293.
Pepers BA, Schut MH,
Vossen RH, van Ommen GJ, den Dunnen JT, van Roon-Mom WM (2009). Cost-effective HRMA
pre-sequence typing of clone libraries; application to phage display selection. BMC Biotechnol. 9: 50.1-50.6.
Vossen RHAM, Aten
E, Roos A, den Dunnen JT (2009). High-Resolution MeltingAnalysis (HRMA) - more than
just sequence variant screening. Hum.Mutat.
30: 860-866.
and efficient point mutation detecion in DMD Almomani R, van der Stoep N, Bakker E, den Dunnen JT, Breuning MH, Ginjaar HB (2009). Rapid
and cost effective detection of small mutations in the DMD gene by high resolution melting
curve analysis. Neuromuscul.Disord.
19: 383-390.
Sequence-based gene expression profiling - improved robustness, resolution
and reproducibility
t Hoen PAC, Ariyurek Y, Thygesen HH, Vreugdenhil E, Vossen RHAM, de Menezes RX, Boer
JM, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT (2008). Deep sequencing-based expression analysis
shows major advances in robustness, resolution and inter-lab portability over five
microarray platforms. Nucl.Acids
Res. 36: e141.1-141.11.
Detecting deletions and duplications (CNVs)
Aten E, White SJ, Kalf
ME, Vossen RHAM, Kriek M, Breuning MHB, den Dunnen JT (2008). Methods to detect CNVs
in the human genome. Cytogenet.Genome
Res.123: 313-321.
Genetic disease
Sclerosis (TSC)
Mozaffari M, Hoogeveen-Westerveld M, Kwiatkowski D, Sampson J, Ekong R, Povey S, den
Dunnen JT, van den Ouweland A, Dicky Halley H, Nellist M (2009). Identification of a
region required for TSC1 stability by functional analysis of TSC1 missense mutations found
in individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex. BMC Med.Genet. 10:
Becker muscular dystrophy
Helderman-van den Enden AT, Straathof CS, Aartsma-Rus A, den Dunnen JT, Verbist BM, Bakker E, Verschuuren JJ, Ginjaar HB (2010).
Becker muscular dystrophy patients with deletions around exon 51; a promising outlook for exon skipping therapy in Duchenne patients. Neuromuscul.Disord.
20: 251-254.
Liu F, Ikram MA, Janssens AC, Schuur M, de Koning I, Isaacs A, Struchalin M, Uitterlinden
AG, den Dunnen JT, Sleegers K, Bettens K, Van Broeckhoven C, van Swieten J, Hofman A,
Oostra BA, Aulchenko YS, Breteler MM, van Duijn CM (2009). A Study of the SORL1 Gene in
Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Function. J.Alzheimers.Dis.
18: 51-64.
Duchenne and
Becker muscular dystrophy
Helderman-van den Enden AT, de Jong R, den Dunnen JT, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Kneppers AL,
Ginjaar HB, Breuning MH, Bakker E (2009). Recurrence risk due to germline mosaicism:
Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy. Clin.Genet.
75: 465-472.
Split Hand-Foot
Aten E, den Hollander N, Ruivenkamp C, Knijnenburg J, van Bokhoven H, den Dunnen JT,
Breuning MH (2009). Split Hand-Foot Malformation, Fallot's tetralogy, Mental
retardation and a 1Mb 19p deletion - evidence for further heterogeneity?. Am.J.Med.Genet.A.
149A: 975-981.
Exon skipping
Aartsma-Rus AM,
Fokkema I, Verschuuren J, Ginjaar I, van Deutekom J, van Ommen GJ, den Dunnen JT (2009). Theoretic
applicability of antisense-mediated exon skipping for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
mutations. Hum.Mutat.
30: 293-299.
Collecting gene variants & guidelines
den Dunnen JT,
Sijmons RH, Andersen PS, Vihinen M, Beckmann JS, Rossetti S, Talbot CC Jr, Hardison RC,
Povey S, Cotton RG (2009). Sharing data between LSDBs and central repositories. Hum.Mutat.
30: 493-495.
The Human Variome Project -
meeting report
Kaput J, Cotton RG,
..., den Dunnen JT, ... and others (2009). Planning the human variome project: the
Spain report. Hum.Mutat.
30: 496-510.
Olivier M, Petitjean
A, Teague J, Forbes S, Dunnick JK, den Dunnen JT, Langerød A, Wilkinson JM, Vihinen M,
Cotton RG, Hainaut P (2009). Somatic mutation databases as tools for molecular
epidemiology and molecular pathology of cancer: proposed guidelines for improving data
collection, distribution, and integration. Hum.Mutat.
30: 275-282.
Transcription factor binding site analysis - CORE_TF
Hestand MS, van Galen
M, Villerius MP, Van Ommen GJB, Den Dunnen JT, 't Hoen PAC (2008). CORE_TF: a
user-friendly interface to identify evolutionary conserved transcription factor binding
sites in sets of co-regulated genes. BMC Bioniformatics 9:
Colleting human variation - the Human Variome Project (HVP)
Cotton RG, Auerbach AD, Axton M, Barash CI, Berkovic SF, Brookes AJ, Burn J, Cutting G,
den Dunnen JT, Flicek P, Freimer N, Greenblatt MS, Howard HJ, Katz M, Macrae FA, Maglott
D, Möslein G, Povey S, Ramesar RS, Richards CS, Seminara D, Smith TD, Sobrido MJ, Solbakk
JH, Tanzi RE, Tavtigian SV, Taylor GR, Utsunomiya J, Watson M. (2008). GENETICS: the
Human Variome Project.. Science 322: 861-862.
Huntington's disease - gene expression profiling
van Roon-Mom WMC, Pepers BA, 't Hoen PAC, Verwijmeren CACM, den Dunnen JT, Dorsman JC, van
Ommen GJB (2008). Mutant huntingtin activates Nrf2-responsive genes and impairs
dopamine synthesis in a PC12 model of Huntington's disease. BMC Mol.Biol 9:
Array analysis - reading literature by PC
Jelier R, 't Hoen PAC, Sterrenburg E, den Dunnen JT, van Ommen GJB, Kors JA, Mons B
(2008). Literature-aided meta-analysis of microarray data: a compendium study on
muscle development and disease. BMC Bioinformatics 9: 291.1-291.12.
Twins are not identical - consequences for CNV diagnostics
Bruder CEG, Piotrowski A, Gijsbers ACJ, Andersson R, Erickson S, Diaz de Ståhl T, Menzel
U, Sandgren J, Von Tell D, Poplawski A, Crowley M, Crasto C, Partridge EC, Tiwari H,
Allison DB, Komorowski J, Van Ommen GJB, Boomsma DI, Pedersen NL, Den Dunnen JT,
Wirdefeldt K, Dumanski JP (2008). Phenotypically concordant and discordant monozygotic
twins display different DNA Copy-Number-Variation profiles. Am.J.Hum.Genet.
82: 763-771.
A Wiki for proteins and genes -
Mons B, Ashburner M, Chichester C, Van Mulligen E, Weeber M, Den Dunnen JT, Musen M,
Cockerill M, Hermjakob H, Packer A, Pacheco R, Lewis S, Berkely A, Melton W, Barris N,
Borner K, Meijssen G, Moeller E, Roes PJ, Mons A, Van Ommen GJB, Wales J, Bairoch A
(2008). Calling on a million minds for community annotation in WikiProteins (why would
key biology databases go Wiki?). Genome
Biology 9: R89.1-89.15
Retrieving micro-array datasets -
Ivliev AE, t Hoen PAC, Villerius MP, den Dunnen JT, Bernd W. Brandt BW (2008). Microarray
Retriever: a web-based tool for searching and large scale retrieval of public microarray
data. Nucl.Acids
Res., 36: W327-331.
IGF1R deletion and growth
Walenkamp MJ, de Muinck Keizer-Schrama SM, de Mos M, Kalf ME, van Duyvenvoorde HA, Boot
AM, Kant SG, White SJ, Losekoot M, Den Dunnen JT, Karperien M, Wit JM. (2008). Successful
long-term growth hormone therapy in a girl with haploinsufficiency of the IGF-I receptor
due to a terminal 15q26.2-qter deletion detected by multiplex ligation probe
93: 2421-2425.
POMGNT1, disease and gene variation databases
- POMGnT1 gene
variation database
Oliveira J, Soares-Silva I, Fokkema IFAC, Gonçalves A, Cabral A, Diogo L, Galán L,
Guimarães A, Fineza I, Den Dunnen JT, Santos R (2008). New synonymous substitution in
POMGNT1 promotes exon skipping in a CMD patient. J.Hum.Genet.
53: 565-572.
Platform comparison: gene expression profiling uisng micro-arrays
Pedotti P, 't Hoen PAC, Vreugdenhil E, Schenk GJ, Vossen RHAM, Ariyurek Y, De Hollander M,
Kuiper R, Van Ommen GJB, Den Dunnen JT, Boer JM, De Menezes R (2008). Can subtle
changes in gene expression be consistently detected with different microarray platforms?.
BMC Genomics 9: 124.1-124.13.
AON exon skipping phase I clinical trial
Van Deutekom JCT, Janson AA, Ginjaar HB, Frankhuizen WS, Aartsma-Rus A, Bremmer-Bout M,
Den Dunnen JT, Koop K, Van Der Kooi AJ, Goemans NM, De Kimpe SJ, Ekhart PF, Venneker EH,
Platenburg GJ, Verschuuren JJ, Van Ommen GJB (2007). Local dystrophin restoration with
antisense oligonucleotide PRO051. N.Engl.J.Med.
357: 2677-2686.
Serum profiling in mdx mice
Alagaratnam S, Mertens BJA, Dalebout JC, Deelder AM, Van Ommen GJB, Den Dunnen JT, t
Hoen PAC (2008). Diagnosis of dystrophy in model mice by serum protein profiling. Proteomics
8: 1552-1563.
Human eye colour gene
Kayser M, Liu F, Janssens AC, Rivadeneira F, Lao O, Van Duijn K, Vermeulen M, Arp P,
Jhamai MM, Van Ijcken WF, Den Dunnen JT, Heath S, Zelenika D, Despriet DD, Klaver CC,
Vingerling JR, De Jong PT, Hofman A, Aulchenko YS, Uitterlinden AG, Oostra BA, Van Duijn
CM (2008). Three genome-wide association studies and a linkage analysis identify HERC2
as a human iris color gene. Am.J.Hum.Genet.
82: 411-423.
A mouse with the human DMD gene
't Hoen PAC, de Meijer EJ, Boer JM, Vossen RHAM, Turk R, Maatman RG, Davies KE, Van Ommen
GJB, Van Deutekom JCT, Den Dunnen JT (2008). Generation and characterization of
transgenic mice with the full-length human DMD gene. J.Biol.Chem.
283: 5899-5907.
Prenatal diagnosis - detection technology
Boon EMJ, Schlecht HB, Martin P, Daniels G, Vossen RHAM, Den Dunnen JT, Bakker E, Elles R
(2007). Y-chromosome detection by real time PCR and Pyrophosphorolysis-Activated
Polymerization using free fetal DNA isolated from maternal plasma. Prenat.Diagn.
27: 932-937.
Collecting all mutations
Mutation nomenclature error checking -
Mutalyzer Wildeman M, Van Ophuizen E, Den Dunnen JT, Taschner PEM (2008). Improving
sequence variant descriptions in mutation databases and literature using the Mutalyzer
sequence variation nomenclature checker. Hum.
Mutat. 29: 6-13
Cotton RG, Auerbach AD, Beckmann JS, Blumenfeld OO, Brookes AJ, Brown AF, Carrera P, Cox
DW, Gottlieb B, Greenblatt MS, Hilbert P, Lehvaslaiho H, Liang P, Marsh S, Nebert DW,
Povey S, Rossetti S, Scriver CR, Summar M, Tolan DR, Verma IC, Vihinen M, Den Dunnen JT
(2008). Recommendations for locus-specific databases and their curation. Hum.Mutat.
29: 2-5.
Cotton RG, Auerbach AD, Brown AF, Carrera P, Christodoulou J, Claustres M, Compton J,
Cox DW, De Baere E, den Dunnen JT, Greenblatt M, Fujiwara M, Hilbert P, Jani A,
Lehvaslaiho H, Nebert DW, Verma I, Vihinen M; Members of the Human Genome Variation
Society; Human Variome Project Diagnostic Laboratory Working Group (2007). A structured
simple form for ordering genetic tests is needed to ensure coupling of clinical detail
(phenotype) with DNA variants (genotype) to ensure utility in publication and databases.
28: 931-932.
The Human Variome Project
Cotton RG, 2006 Human Variome Project, Appelbe W, Auerbach AD, Becker K, Bodmer W, Boone
DJ, Boulyjenkov V, Brahmachari S, Brody L, Brookes A, Brown AF, Byers P, Cantu JM,
Cassiman JJ, Claustres M, Concannon P, Cotton RG, den Dunnen JT, Flicek P, Gibbs R, Hall
J, Hasler J, Katz M, Kwok PY, Laradi S, Lindblom A, Maglott D, Marsh S, Masimirembwa CM,
Minoshima S, de Ramirez AM, Pagon R, Ramesar R, Ravine D, Richards S, Rimoin D, Ring HZ,
Scriver CR, Sherry S, Shimizu N, Stein L, Tadmouri GO, Taylor G, Watson M (2007). Recommendations
of the 2006 Human Variome Project meeting. Nat.Genet.
39: 433-436.
Software to maintain disease-gene mutation databases Fokkema IFAC, Den Dunnen JT, Taschner PM (2005). LOVD: easy creation of a
locus-specific sequence variation database using an "LSDB-in-a-Box" approach.
26: 63-68. - See the Leiden Muscular Dystrophy
Protein studies in dysferlinopathy patients
Huang Y, Laval SH, van Remoortere A, Baudier J, Benaud C, Anderson LVB, Straub V,
Deelder AM, Frants RR, den Dunnen JT, Bushby K, van der Maarel sm (2006). AHNAK, a
novel component of the dysferlin protein complex, redistributes to the cytoplasm with
dysferlin during skeletal muscle regeneration. FASEB
J, 21: 732-742.
Huang Y, Verheesen P, Roussis A, Frankhuizen W, Ginjaar I, Haldane F, Laval S, Anderson
LV, Verrips T, Frants RR, de Haard H, Bushby K, den Dunnen JT, van der Maarel SM (2005). Protein
studies in dysferlinopathy patients using llama-derived antibody fragments selected by
phage display. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.
13: 470-474.
CNV in different populations
White SJ, Vissers LELM, Geurts Van Kessel AHM, De Menezes RX, Kalay E, Lehesjoki AE,
Giordano PC, Van De Vosse E, Breuning MH, Brunner HG, Den Dunnen JT, Veltman JA (2007). Variation
of CNV distribution in five different ethnic populations. Cytogenet.Genome
Res. 118: 19-30.
Combining MLPA and arrayCGH
Van Tintelen JP, Tio RA, Kerstjens-Frederikse WS, Van Berlo JH, Boven LG, Suurmeijer AJH,
White SJ, Den Dunnen JT, Te Meerman GJ, Vos YJ, van der Hout AH, Osinga J, Van Den Berg
MP, Van Veldhuisen DJ, Buys CHCM, Hofstra RM, Pinto YM (2007). Severe myocardial
fibrosis caused by a deletion of the 5 end of the lamin A/C gene. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.
49: 2430-2439.
Combining MLPA and arrayCGH
Kriek M, Knijnenburg J, White SJ, Rosenberg C, den Dunnen JT, van Ommen GJB, Tanke HJ,
Breuning MH, Szuhai K (2007). Diagnosis of genetic abnormalities indevelopmentally
delayed patients: a new strategy combining MLPA and array-CGH. Am.J.Med.Genet.A
143: 610-614.
Den Dunnen JT, White SJ (2006). UNIT 7.14 MLPA and MAPH: sensitive detection of
deletions and duplications. Current Protocols
in Human Genetics, 7.14.1-7.14.20.
Kriek M, White SJ, Szuhai K, Knijnenburg J, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT, Breuning MH
(2006). Copy number variation in regions flanked (or unflanked) by duplicons among
patients with developmental delay and/or congenital malformations; detection of reciprocal
and partial Williams Beuren duplications. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.
14: 180-189.
Rosenberg C, Knijnenburg J, Bakker E, Vianna-Morgante A, Sloos WC, Otto PA, Kriek M,
Hansson K, Krepisch-Santos AC, Fiegler H, Carter NP, Bijlsma EK, van Haeringen A, Szuhai
K, Tanke HJ (2006). Array-CGH detection of micro rearrangements in mentally retarded
individuals: clinical significance of imbalances present both in affected children and
normal parents. J.Med.Genet.,
43: 180-186.
Genetic defect in Peter's Plus syndrome identified
Lesnik Oberstein SAJ, Kriek M, White SJ, Kalf ME, Szuhai K, Dunnen JT, Breuning MH,
Hennekam RCM (2006). Peters Plus syndrome is caused by mutations in B3GALTL, a putative
glycosyltransferase. Am.J.Hum.Genet.
79: 562-566. B3GALTL sequence
variation database.
Antibody technology
Verheesen P, Roussis A, de Haard HJ, Groot AJ, Stam JC, den Dunnen JT, Frants RR,
Verkleij AJ, Theo Verrips C, van der Maarel SM (2006). Reliable and controllable antibody
fragment selections from camelid non-immune libraries for target validation. Biochim.Biophys.Acta,
1764: 1307-1319.
Rearrangements in the DMD gene
Aartsma-Rus A, Van Deutekom JCT, Fokkema IF, Van Ommen GJB, Den Dunnen JT (2006). Entries
in the Leiden Duchenne muscular dystrophy mutation database: an overview of mutation types
and paradoxical cases that confirm the reading-frame rule. Muscle
Nerve, 34: 135-144. see also:DMD sequence variation
White SJ, Aartsma-Rus A, Flanigan KM, Weiss RB, Kneppers, ALJ, Lalic T, Janson AAM,
Ginjaar HB, Breuning MH, den Dunnen JT (2006). Duplications in the DMD gene. Hum.Mutat.,
27: 938-945.
see also:DMD deletion/duplication
data analysis
Vinciotti V, Liu X, Turk R, De Meijer EJ, 't Hoen PAC (2006). Exploiting the full power
of temporal gene expression profiling through a new statistical test: Application to the
analysis of muscular dystrophy data. BioInformatics 7: 183.1-183.12.
Sterrenburg E, van der Wees CSC, White SJ, Turk R, de Menezes RX, van Ommen GJB, den
Dunnen JT, 't Hoen PAC (2006). Gene expression profiling highlights defective
myogenesis in DMD patients and a possible role for bone morphogenetic protein 4. Neurobiol.
Dis. 23: 228-236.
monitoring AON treatment t Hoen PAC, van der Wees CGC, Aartsma-Rus A, Turk R, Goyenvalle A, Danos
O, Garcia L, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT, van Deutekom JCT (2006). Gene expression
profiling to monitor therapeutic and adverse effects of antisense therapies for Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy.Pharmacogenomics
7: 281-297.
Exploring the frontiers of therapeutic exon skipping Aartsma-Rus A, Kaman WE, Weij R, den Dunnen JT, van Ommen GJB, van Deutekom
JCT (2006). Exploring the frontiers of therapeutic exon skipping for Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy. Molecular
Therapy, 14: 401-407.
A complex chromosome 22 rearrangement
Kriek M, Szuhai K, Kant S, White SJ, Dauwerse JG, Fiegler H, Carter NP, Knijnenburg J, den
Dunnen JT, Tanke H, Breuning MH, Carla Rosenberg C (2006). A complex rearrangement on
chromosome 22 affecting both homologues; haplo-insufficiency of the Cat eye critical
region has no clinical relevance.Human
Genetics, 120: 77-84.
Huntington's disease
Cong SY, Pepers BA, Roos RAC, van Ommen GJB, Dorsman JC (2005). Small N-terminal
mutant huntingtin fragments, but not wild type, are mainly present in monomeric form:
implications for pathogenesis.Exp.Neurol.
199: 257-264.
Cong SY, Pepers BA, Roos RAC, van Ommen GJB, Dorsman JC (2005). Epitope mapping of
monoclonal antibody 4C8 recognizing the protein huntingtin.Hybridoma
(Larchmt) 24: 231-235.
Cong SY, Pepers BA, Evert BO, Rubinsztein DC, Roos RAC, van Ommen GJB, Dorsman JCT
(2005). Mutant huntingtin represses CBP, but not p300, by binding and protein
degradation. Mol.Cell.Neurosci.
30: 12-23.
Gene expression profiling
Prorenin in
Saris JJ, 't Hoen PAC, Garrelds IM, Dekkers DH, den Dunnen JT, Lamers JM, Danser JAH
(2006). Prorenin induces intracellular signaling in cardiomyocytes independently of
angiotensin II.Hypertension
48: 564-571.
comparing neuromuscular disorder animal models
Turk R, Sterrenburg E, van der Wees CGC, de Meijer EJ, de Menezes RX, Groh S, Campbell KP,
Noguchi S, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT, 't Hoen PAC (2006). Common pathological
mechanisms in mouse models for muscular dystrophies.FASEB
Journal, 20: 127-129.
gene expression profiling in neuroblastoma (facilitated by the
de Ruijter AJ, Meinsma RJ, Bosma P, Kemp S, Caron HN, van Kuilenburg AB (2005). Gene
expression profiling in response to the histone deacetylase inhibitor BL1521 in
neuroblastoma. Exp.Cell
Res. 309: 451-467.
micro-array data analysis - time series
Tucker A, Vinciotti V, 't Hoen PAC, Liu X (2005). Bayesian network classifiers for
time-series microarray data. In: IDA 2005 (Ed. Famili AF et al.). Springer Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 475-485.
mdx over time
Turk R, Sterrenburg E, de Meijer EJ, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT and 't Hoen PAC (2005). Muscle
regeneration in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice studied by gene expression profiling.BMC Genomics, 6: 98.1-98.15.
Methodology Den Dunnen JT, Beggs, AH (2006). UNIT 9.3 Multiplex PCR for identifying
DMD gene deletions. Current Protocols
in Human Genetics, 9.3.1-9.3.22.
Exon skipping
Aartsma-Rus A, de Winter CL, Janson AAM, Kaman WE, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT, van
Deutekom JCT (2006). Functional analysis of 114 exon-internal AONs for targeted DMD
exon skipping: indication for steric hindrance of SR protein binding sites. Oligonucleotides 15: 284-297.
Review: genome-wide studies in nutrition research
Corthésy-Theulaz I, den Dunnen JT, Ferré, P, Geurts JMW, Müller M, van Belzen N, van
Ommen B (2005). Nutrigenomics: the impact of biomics technology on nutrition research. Ann.Nutr.Metab.
49: 355-365.
Detecting deletions and duplications in genomic DNA
Copy number variation in the human genome
Van Ommen GJB (2005). Frequency of new copy number variation in humans. Nat.Genet.
37: 333-334.
MLPA detection of deletions/duplications in the DMD-gene
Lalic T, Vossen RHAM, Coffa J, Schouten J, Guc-Scekic M, Radivojevic D, Djurisic M,
Breuning MH, White SJ, den Dunnen JT (2005). Deletion and duplication screening in the
DMD gene using MLPA.Eur.J.Hum.Genet.,
13: 1231-1234.
Deletions/duplication in the alpha- and beta-globin gene clusters
Harteveld CL, Voskamp A, Phylipsen M, Akkermans N, Den Dunnen JT, White SJ, Giordano PC
(2005). High resolution characterization of 16p13.3 and 11p15.4 rearrangements causing
alpha- and beta-thalassemia by three-color Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe
42: 922-931..
Deletions in sarcoglycan genes
White SJ, Uitte de Willige S, Verbove D, Politano L, Ginjaar I, Breuning MH, den Dunnen
JT. (2005). Sarcoglycanopathies and the risk of undetected deletion alleles in
26: 59.1-59.7.
Analysis EXT1 and EXT2 genes in multiple osteochondromas
Vink GR, White SJ, Gabelic S, Hogendoorn PC, Breuning MH, Bakker E (2005). Mutation
screening of EXT1 and EXT2 by direct sequence analysis and MLPA in patients with multiple
osteochondromas: splice site mutations and exonic deletions account for more than half of
the mutations. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.
13: 470-474.
Mutation screening in RSTS
Roelfsema JH, White SJ, Ariyürek Y, Bartholdi D, Niedrist D, Papadia F, Bacino CA, Den
Dunnen JT, Van Ommen GJB, Breuning MH, Hennekam RCM, Peters DJM (2005). Genetic
heterogeneity in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: mutations in the CBP and EP300 gene are both
disease causing.Am.J.Hum.Genet.
76: 572-580.
Methodology - MAPH / MLPA
White SJ, Breuning MH and den Dunnen JT (2004). Detecting copy number changes in
genomic DNA: MAPH and MLPA. In: Cytometry, 4th Edition,
Methods in Cell Biology, Ch32: 751-768.
Two-colour MLPA
White SJ, Vink GR, Kriek M, Wuyts W, Schouten J, Bakker E, Breuning MH, Den Dunnen JT
(2004).Two-colour MLPA; detecting genomic rearrangements in hereditary multiple
24: 86-92.
Array-based mutation detection: blood-group typing
Beiboer SHW, Wieringa-Jelsma T, Maaskant-Van Wijk PA, Van Der Schoot E, Van Zwieten R,
Roos D, Den Dunnen JT, De Haas M (2005). Rapid genotyping of blood group antigens by
multiplex PCR and DNA microarray. Transfusion,
45: 667-679.
Exon-skipping gene therapy in DMD - review van Deutekom JCT (2005). The 'pro-sense' approach to Duchenne muscular
dystrophy. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.
13: 518-519.
FRG2 upregulated in FSHD
Rijkers T, Deidda G, van Koningsbruggen S, van Geel M, Lemmers RJ, van Deutekom JCT,
Figlewicz D, Hewitt JE, Padberg GW, Frants RR, van der Maarel SM (2004). FRG2, an FSHD
candidate gene, is transcriptionally upregulated in differentiating primary myoblast
cultures of FSHD patients. J.Med.Genet.
41: 826-836.
Mutation detection in the DMD gene
Dent KM, Dunn DM, von Niederhausern AC, Kerr L, Bromberg MB, Tuohy T, White SJ, Den
Dunnen JT, Weiss RB, Flanigan KM (2005). Improved molecular diagnosis of
dystrophinopathies in an unselected clinical cohort.Am.J.Med.Genet.
134: 295-298.
Buzin CH, Feng J, Yan J, Scaringe W, Liu Q, Den Dunnen JT, Mendell JR, Sommer SS (2005).
Mutation rates in the dystrophin gene: A hotspot of mutation at a CpG dinucleotide. Hum.Mutat.
25: 177-188.
BioInformatics - micro-array data analysis
Boer JM (2005). Microarrays in colorectal cancer. In: Encyclopedic reference of
genomics and proteomics in molecular medicine (Eds. Lehrach H and Ruiz P), Springer Verlag,
in press.
de Menezes RX, Boer JM, van Houwelingen JC (2004). Microarray data analysis: a
hierarchical t-test to handle heteroscedasticity. Applied
Bioinformatics, 3: 229-235.
ArrayCGH on laser capture microdissected samples
Cardoso J, Molenaar L, de Menezes RX, Rosenberg C, Morreau H, Moslein G, Fodde R, Boer JM
(2004). Genomic profiling by DNA amplification of laser capture microdissected tissues
and array CGH. Nucl.Acids
Res. 32: e146.1-146.13.
Limited gene expression variation in muscle from different mouse strains
Turk R, 't Hoen PAC, Sterrenburg E, de Menezes RX, de Meijer EJ, Boer JM, van Ommen GJB
and Jden Dunnen JT (2004). Gene expression variation between mouse inbred strains.BMC
Genomics 5: 57.
Myoblast differentiation
Sterrenburg E, Turk R, 't Hoen PAC, Van Deutekom JCT, Boer JM, Van Ommen GJB,
Den Dunnen JT (2004). Large-scale gene expression analysis of human skeletal myoblast
Disord. 14: 507-518.
Large copy number variations in the human genome
Fredman D, White SJ, Potter S, Eichler EE, Dunnen JT, Brookes AJ (2004). Complex
SNP-related sequence variation in segmental genome duplications.Nat.Genet.
36: 861-866.
Exon skipping in a mouse with a human DMD-gene
M Bremmer-Bout, A Aartsma-Rus, EJ de Meijer, WE Kaman, AAM Janson, RHAM Vossen, GJB van
Ommen, JT den Dunnen, and JCT van Deutekom (2004). Targeted exon skipping in transgenic
hDMD mice: a model for direct pre-clinical screening of human-specific antisense
10: 232-240.
Antisense exon skipping technology
A Aartsma-Rus, WE Kaman, M Bremmer-Bout, AAM Janson, JT den Dunnen, GJB van Ommen and JCT
van Deutekom (2004). Comparative analysis of antisense oligonucleotide analogs for
targeted DMD exon 46 skipping in muscle cells.Gene
Ther. 11: 1391-1398.
Gene expression profiling in leukemia
(facilitated by the LGTC)
Valk PJ, Verhaak RG, Beijen MA, Erpelinck CA, Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn-Khosrovani
S, Boer JM, Beverloo HB, Moorhouse MJ, van der Spek PJ, Lowenberg B, Delwel R. (2004). Prognostically
useful gene-expression profiles in acute myeloid leukemia.N.Engl.J.Med.
350: 1617-1628.
Array-based mutation screening
Van Moorsel CHM, Van Wijngaarden EE, Fokkema IFAC, Den Dunnen JT, Roos D, Van Zwieten R,
Giordano PC, Harteveld CL (2004). beta-Globin mutation detection by tagged single-base
extension and hybridisation to universal glass and flow-through microarrays. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.,
12: 567-573.
Deletions/duplications in mental retardation
Kriek M, White SJ, Bouma MC, Dauwerse JG, Hansson KBM, Nijhuis JV, Bakker E, Van Ommen
GJB, Den Dunnen JT, Breuning MH (2004). Genomic balances in mental retardation. J.Med.Genet.
41: 249-255.
BioInformatics - gene expression array data analysis
't Hoen PAC, Turk R, Boer JM, Sterrenburg E, de Menezes RX, van Ommen GJB and den Dunnen
JT (2004). Intensity-based analysis of two-colour microarrays enables efficient and
flexible hybridisation designs.Nucl.Acids Res. 32:
The DGC in Drosophila
LC Dekkers, MC van der Plas, PB van Loenen, JT den Dunnen, GJB van Ommen, LG Fradkin, JN
Noordermeer (2004). Embryonic expression patterns of the Drosophila Dystrophin
Glycoprotein Complex orthologs. Gene
Expr.Patterns 4: 153-159.
Noninvasive diagnosis in 96% of DMD patients
J Yan, J Feng, CH Buzin, W Scaringe, Q Liu, JR Mendell, JT den Dunnen, SS Sommer (2004). Three-tiered
noninvasive diagnosis in 96% of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy(DMD).Hum.Mutat.
23: 203-204.
Targeted multiple exons skipping in cultured DMD-cells
Aartsma-Rus, AAM Janson, WE Kaman, M Bremmer-Bout, GJB van Ommen, JT den Dunnen and JCT
van Deutekom (2004). Antisense-induced multi-exon skipping for DMD makes more sense.Am.J.Hum.Genet.
74: 83-92.
BioInformatics - gene expression array data analysis
J Goeman, SA van de Geer, Floor de Kort, HC van Houwelingen (2004). A global test for
groups of genes: testing association with a clinical outcome. BioInformatics
20: 93-99.
Point mutation detection in the DMD-gene:
Hofstra RMW, Mulder IM, Vossen RHAM, de Koning-Gans PAM, Kraak M, Ginjaar HB, van der Hout
AH, Bakker E, Buys CHCM, van Ommen GJB, van Essen AJ, den Dunnen JT (2004). Whole gene
DGGE-based mutation scanning of the dystrophin gene in DMD/BMD patients. Hum.Mutat.
23: 57-66.
Review on DMD gene therapy
Van Deutekom JCT and Van Ommen GJB. Advances in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy gene
therapy (2003). Nature
Rev.Genet. 4: 774-784.
Technology - Aggregation of embryonic stem cells
Maatman R, Gertsenstein M, de Meijer E, Nagy A, Vintersten K (2003). Aggregation of
embryos and embryonic stem cells. Methods
Mol.Biol. 209: 201-230.
MAPH as alternative for FISH
White SJ, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT and Breuning MH (2003). An alternative for FISH
- detecting deletion and duplication carriers within 24 hours. J.Med.Genet.
40: e113.1-e113.4.
Van Koningsbruggen S, de Haard H, de Kievit P, Dirks RW, van Remoortere A, Groot AJ, van
Engelen BG, den Dunnen JT, Verrips CT, Frants RR, van der Maarel SM (2003). Llama-derived
phage display antibodies in the dissection of the human disease oculopharyngeal muscular
dystrophy. J.Immunol.Methods
279: 149-161.
Mosaicism in DMD; germline and somatic
Essen AJ, Mulder IM, Vlies Pv P, Hout AH, Buys CH, Hofstra RM, Dunnen JT (2003). Detection
of point mutation in dystrophin gene reveals somatic and germline mosaicism in the mother
of a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Am.J.Med.Genet.
118A: 296-298.
GeneHopper: linking genes
across species and platforms
Svensson BAT, Kreeft AJ, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT, Boer JM (2003). GeneHopper: a
web-based search engine to link gene expression platforms through GenBank accession
numbers. Genome
Biology 4: R35.
Targeted exon skipping in cultured cells of DMD-patients
Aartsma-Rus A, Janson AA, Kaman WE, Bremmer-Bout M, den Dunnen JT, Baas F, van Ommen GJ,
van Deutekom JCT (2003). Therapeutic antisense-induced exon skipping in cultured
muscle cells from six different DMD patients. Hum.Mol.Genet.
12: 907-914.
Fluorescent amino-allyl labelling of cRNA
't Hoen PAC, de Kort F, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT (2003). Fluorescent labelling of
cRNA for microarray applications. Nucl.Acids
Res. 31: e20.1-e20.8
A common reference for cDNA microarray hybridizations
Sterrenburg et al. (2002). A common reference for cDNA microarray hybridizations.
Res.30: e116.1-e.116.6.
MAPH for improved
deletion/duplication detection in the DMD-gene
White S et al. (2002) Comprehensive detection of genomic duplications and deletions in
the DMD gene, by use of multiplex amplifiable probe hybridization. Am.J.Hum.Genet.
71: 365-374.
Targeted exon skipping in the DMD-gene Aartsma-Rus A et al. (2002) Targeted exon skipping as a potential gene
correction therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscul
Disord. 12: S71.
Toxicity of expanded single-amino-acid stretches Dorsman JC et al. (2002) Strong aggregation and increased toxicity of
polyleucine over polyglutamine stretches in mammalian cells. Hum.Mol.Genet.
11: 1487-1496.
Expression profiling in mdx-muscle Boer JM et al (2002) Expression profiling in stably regenerating
skeletal muscle of dystrophin-deficient mdx mice. Neuromuscul.Disord.
12: S118.
Improved cloning of long trinucleotide repeat sequences Dorsman JC, Bremmer-Bout M, Pepers B, van Ommen GJB, den Dunnen JT (2002) Interruption
of perfect CAG repeats by CAA triplets significantly improves the stability of
glutamine-encoding repeat sequences. BioTechniques
33: 976-978.
Long-term persistence of donor nuclei in a DMD patient Gussoni E et al. (2002). Long-term persistence of donor nuclei in a
Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient receiving bone marrow transplantation.J.Clin.Invest.
110: 807-814.
The dystrophin gene and DMD / BMD - a mini review
Den Dunnen JT et al. (2002) Het dystrofine gen, betrokken bij Duchenne en Becker
146: 364-367.
Point mutation detection in the DMD-gene: DHPLC
Bennett RR et al. (2001) Detection of mutations in the dystrophin gene via automated DHPLC
screening and direct sequencing. BMC
Genet. 2: 17.
Detecting point mutations in the DMD-gene
Den Dunnen JT (2001) Point mutation detection in the dystrophin gene. In: Bushby KMD,
Anderson LVB (eds.). Muscular Dystrophy; methods and protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, pp.
New adenoviral vectors - improved myoD-induced in vitro myogenesis
Havenga MJ et al (2002) Exploiting the natural diversity in adenovirus tropism for therapy
and prevention of disease. J.Virol.
76: 4612-4620.
WHSC1L1, a new gene closely resembling WHSC1
Stec eI t al. (2001) WHSC1L1, a gene on human chromosome 8p11.2, closely resembles the
WHSC1 gene and maps to a duplicated region shared with 4p16.3. Genomics
76: 5-8.
Mutation nomenclature
Den Dunnen JT & Antonarakis SE (2001) Nomenclature for the description of human
sequence variations. Hum.Genet.
109: 121-124.
Restoration of dystrophin expression in DMD patient cells Van Deutekom JCT et al. (2001) Antisense-induced exon skipping restores
dystrophin expression in DMD patient derived muscle cells. Hum.Mol.Genet.
10: 1547-1554.
Exon trapping
Wapenaar MC and Den Dunnen JT (2001) Exon trapping. Application of a large-insert
multiple-exon-trapping system. Methods
Mol.Biol. 175: 201-215.
The PWWP protein domain: for protein-protein interaction ?
Stec I et al. (2001) The PWWP domain: a potential protein-protein interaction domain in
nuclear proteins influencing differentiation? FEBS
Lett. 473: 1-5.
Nonsense mutation in Becker patient
Ginjaar HB et al. (2000) Dystrophin nonsense mutation induces different levels of exon 29
skipping and leads to variable phenotypes within one BMD family. Eur.J.Hum.Genet.8:
Mutation nomenclature
Den Dunnen JT & Antonarakis SE (2000) Mutation nomenclature extensions and suggestions
to describe complex mutations: a discussion. Hum.Mutat.15:
Making muscle cells for (prenatal) diagnosis
Roest PA et al. (1999) New possibilities for prenatal diagnosis of muscular dystrophies:
forced myogenesis with an adenoviral MyoD-vector. Lancet
353 (9154): 727-728.
Protein Truncation Test
den Dunnen JT & Van Ommen GJB (1999) The protein truncation test: A review. Hum
Mutat. 14: 95-102.
Mutation detection in Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EMD)
De Koning Gans et al. (1999) A protein truncation test for Emery-Dreifuss muscular
dystrophy (EMD): detection of N-terminal truncating mutations. Neuromuscul
Disord. 9: 247-250.
PhD thesis from the group
Ellen Sterrenburg (2007) - Application of microarray-based gene expression
profiling technology to neuromuscular disorders